Python Programming
Introduction of Python Course
Python stands tall as a powerful and multi-faceted language, empowering developers to create innovative solutions across diverse domains. Its beginner-friendly nature, vast application range, and supportive community make it an excellent choice for aspiring and seasoned programmers alike. This Course provides detailed overview of python programming and its libraries , Machine learning , Deep Learning and Powerful BI tools such as Tableau and PowerBI. After completion of this course student will be able to do work as Software engineer, Data Scientist, Data Analyst.
After Python Programming python Course student will be able to:
- Data Analyst Job.
- Data Scientist
- Web Development.
- Python Full Stack Development
- Quality Assurance Engineer.
- Software Engineer.
- Educator
- Free Lancing
Brief Contents
- History of Python
- Python Features and Applications
- Local Environment Setup
- Getting, Installing and Running Python Standard views
- First Python Program
- Modes: interpreter, editor and IDE
- Python Identifiers, Keywords
- Indentation
- Multi-Line Statements
- Quotation, Comments Waiting for the User Input Multiple Statements on a Single Line
- Assigning Values to Variables
- Multiple Assignment
- Standard Data Types Numbers, Strings, Lists Tuples, Dictionary
- Data Type Conversion and Casting
- Types of Operators
- Arithmetic Operators, Comparison Operators, Assignment Operators, Bitwise Operators, Logical Operators
- Membership Operators, Identity Operators and Operators Precedence
- Triple Quotes
- Unicode String ,Built-in String Methods
- Accessing Values in Strings
- Updating Strings
- Escape Characters String
- Special Operators and String Formatting Operator
- if Statement
- if-else Statement
- The else-if Statement
- Nesting of If statement Using if-else as switch-case
- While Loop
- The Infinite Loop
- For Loop Iterating by Sequence Index Using else Statement with Loops Nested Loops
- List.
- Tuples
- Set
- Dictionary
- The import Statement T
- Locating Modules
- Creating and importing user defined modules
- The dir( ) Function FILES I/O
- Opening and Closing Files The open Function
- The open Function
- The file Object Attributes
- The close( ) Method
- Reading and Writing Files The write( ) and writelines( ) Methods
- The read( ), readline( ) and readlines( ) Methods
- Opening file in appending mode File Positions, seek( ) function
- File and Directory Related Methods Problem solving based on reading Problem solving based on R/W
- What is Exception?
- Handling an Exception with try-except The except Clause with No Exceptions
- The except Clause with Multiple Exceptions
- The try-finally Clause
- The try-except-else clause Argument of an Exception
- Raising an Exception The Keyboard interrupt User-Defined Exceptions
- Overview of OOP Terminology
- Creating Classes Creating Instance Objects
- Accessing Attributes
- The static member attributes
- Built-In Class Attributes Destroying Objects (Garbage Collection)
- Class Inheritance Multiple, Hierarchical and Multi-level inheritance
- Overriding Methods Overloading Operators
- Data Hiding
Course Project
Participants of this course have to work on Real life project/Live project
- MIT Certification
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Note: We provide Industrial based training as we provide Engineering Design Services under Milestone PLM Solutions PVT LTD.
Specialities of MIT
- 100% Job Guarantee On Master
- Goverment Authorised Center
- Individual Training
- Autodesk Authorization
- Industry Oriented Syllabus
- Opportunity To Work On live Projects
- Training by Industry's Expert
- Job and internship Assistance
- 1350+ Google Reviews
- Free E-books
- ISO Certified Institute
Autodesk certificate

Central goverment certificate

Milestone institute of technology certificate