- Revit is that the most versatile CAD program. Even students with no previous CAD expertise will progress quickly through this course that is organized during a natural sequence that’s simple to grasp. Students straight off apply what they learned from temporary theory displays in active exercises exploitation equipped drawing files. These exercises embody step-wise directions alongside clearly illustrated screen captures
- MIT aims to supply advanced training help to the scholars, operating skilled professionals and job aspirants in varied professional fields, like BIM, HVAC, Architecture, Interior planning and lots of others. Get a lot of details, please visit www.milestone.ac.in
- One-day Seminar was prevailed 28-02-2019. The Seminar was conducted by Ms. Pinki Meena, a MIT subject specialist. the scholars of second year and third year Civil engineering from Dilkap Colllege of Engineering, Neral attended the Seminar. The Seminar was terribly helpful for the scholars as it covers the industry interaction. This also help scholars to gain knowledge and apply same in their curriculum and future professional life.
- This event has passed.
Start Time
February 28 @ 3:00 pm -
End Time
February 28 @ 5:00 pm -
9819857244 -
Miss Namrata -