Wide interest has developed in light and lighting, not least because the growing awareness of architectural quality has given rise to an increased demand for good architectural lighting. Standardized lighting concepts may have sufficed to light the concrete architecture of the recent past, but the varied and distinctive architecture of modern-day buildings requires equally differentiated and distinctive lighting.
An extensive range of light sources and luminaires are available for this task; with technical progress the scope of lighting technology has expanded, and this has in turn led to the development of increasingly more specialised lighting equipment and tools. It is this fact that makes it increasingly difficult for the lighting designer to be adequately informed regarding the comprehensive range of lamps and luminaires available and to decide on the correct technical solution to meet the lighting requirements of a specific project.
The Lighting Design course covers the basic principles and practice of architectural lighting. It exists as much as a teaching aid, e.g. for students of architecture, as a reference book for lighting designers. The Course does not intend to compete with the existing comprehensive range of specialist literature on lighting engineering, nor to be added to the limited number of beautifully illustrated volumes containing finished projects. The course aims to approach and deal with the subject of architectural lighting in a practical and comprehensible manner. Background information is provided dedicated to the history of lighting.
The course deals with the basics of lighting technology and surveys light sources, control gear and luminaires available. It also deals with concepts, strategies and the processes involved in lighting design.
This Lighting Design course is the first lighting design course of its kind to focus specifically on todays needs for lighting designers. On this lighting design course you’ll learn how to achieve a variety of lighting effects and how to select all the components that are an essential part of every good lighting design. This course is extremely helpful for students and professionals from Interior, Architecture branch.
See syllabus of course: http://milestone.ac.in/courses/lighting-design/